Rethinking Liberal Europe
Ideas of Europe and Notions of Freedom between 1848 and 1945
XIII Annual Conference of the Research Network on the History of the Idea of Europe
29-30 June and 1 July 2022
Conference venue: Collegio Carlo Alberto, Aula Magna, piazza Arbarello 8, Torino
Click here to download the program
The conference can be followed online on the YouTube channel of the Luigi Einaudi Foundation
Organizers Fondazione Luigi Einaudi onlus Turin; Stiftung ReichspräsidentFriedrich-Ebert-Gedenkstätte, Heidelberg; Institute for the Study of Ideas of Europe, University of East Anglia; supported by Villa Vigoni e.V., German-Italian Centre for European Dialogue
Scientific & Organizing Committee Matthew D'Auria (University of East Anglia); Fernanda Gallo (University of Cambridge); Florian Greiner (Stiftung Reichspräsident-Friedrich-EbertGedenkstätte Heidelberg); Christiane Liermann (Villa Vigoni); Federico Trocini (Fondazione Luigi Einaudi); Jan Vermeiren (University of East Anglia)
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