


Catalogo Polo Bibliografico della Ricerca (OPAC)

To consult the catalog of books and paper periodicals owned by Fondazione Einaudi 

The Library was created in 1964 thanks to the donation of over 70.000 volumes belonging to Luigi Einaudi. It specializes in the field of economic, political, social and historical sciences and is aimed at academic research. It includes texts about economics, politics, society and history from the 18th century onwards with regards to Italy, Europe and the Americas including their corpus of reference books, as well as a collection of rare works. Its extent of studies is international, and the geographical areas on which it provides research tools range from Europe to the Americas and developing countries.

For decades the library has continued growing through acquisitions and donations to contain more than 271.000 titles. It also houses 3.600 domestic and foreign serials, out of print and ongoing .

The library represents the heart of the Foundation, offering a free and inclusive access to knowledge. Every year it welcomes readers from Italy and abroad, for an average total of over 6.000 annual visitors.

The numbers of the Library

Using the Library

External scholars and students are allowed into the Library Reference Room subject to availability of study space.

The Library membership card is free and renewable annually.

The admission to the Library is free.

A valid ID and personal details must be provided when requested by the admission staff.

Click here for the catalogue of books and periodicals held in the Einaudi Foundation.

To consult the e-journals, e-books and other digitised resources of the Einaudi Foundation, use the search box at the top of this page or the Publication Finder and register to OpenAthens.


Register to OpenAthens

Registration is required to access on-line contents purchased by Fondazione Einaudi.

Book a seat in the library

Book a seat in the library with the Affluences app or use the website

Android Google Play
Apple App Store

Frequently Asked Questions

See our FAQ section

How can I access the Library?

Access to the Library is allowed by reservation, using the Affluences app or the website.

Is admission to the Library free?

Admission to the Library is free. It is necessary to present a valid identity document and communicate the personal data requested to the staff. For statistical purposes, you are required to fill out the application form and indicating the subject of study.

What are the Library opening hours?

The Library is open to the public from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. with continuous hours from Monday to Friday. The internal loan service in the Reading Room is active from 12 p.m. to 4.45 p.m with prior booking.

Does the Library lend out books?


How many books can be referred to simultaneously?

Each user can have a maximum of 5 volumes reading at the same time.

Is it possible to reserve texts in advance?

Yes, by forwarding the request to

How does the reproduction and document delivery service work?

The text reproduction service is provided by the Foundation's staff who forward the scanned material requested by e-mail. Mail to

What are the costs of the scans?

For a limited number of pages the service is free. For a higher number of pages it is necessary to evaluate and agree the costs with the Management.

What limit does the copyright law impose on the reproduction of printed texts?

For works published since 1901, the Foundation reproduces the texts in digital scanning in compliance with the legislation required by the copyright law no. 663/1941 and subsequent amendments, except for further restrictions deriving from the poor state of conservation of the material itself.

The publications of the period between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries cannot be photocopied, except for the possibility of scanning parts at the discretion of the Management and compatibly with the conservation status of the volume.

Can reference books be photographed?

It is not allowed to take photographs or perform other types of reproduction independently, unless specifically authorized / arranged by the Management.

Does the Library participate in inter-library lending?


Is there a wireless internet connection?

Thanks to the WI-FI network provided by FreePiemonteWiFi, to which you must register, users can benefit from a wireless internet connection in the Reading room.

How does internet access work?

To connect users need to select FreePiemonteWiFi from the list of Wi-Fi networks displayed.

How does microfilm and microfiche referencing work?

The consultation of microfilms / microfiches can be carried out, by appointment, by forwarding the request to It is also possible to request digital prints or reproductions. For a limited number of pages the service is free. For a higher number of pages it is necessary to evaluate and agree the costs with the Management.

Can I consult a personal microfilm or a microfilm from another library with the reader of your library?

Yes, but it is necessary to ask for an appointment by submitting the request by e-mail. It is also possible to request digital prints or reproductions. For a limited number of pages the service is free. For a higher number of pages it is necessary to evaluate and agree the costs with the Management.

How does old or rare books referencing work?

The consultation of ancient and rare volumes can be carried out, upon request of the day before the consultation, by forwarding the request to These texts must be returned to the staff in case of removal, even temporary, from the Reading Room.

What kind of book materials are there in the Library?

The Library has specialized in the field of economic, historical and social sciences from the 18th century, and is aimed at university and post-university researches. Its field of study is international and the geographical areas on which it offers research tools range from Europe to the Americas, from developing countries to the new emerging countries of Asia.

How do I know which numbered collections of serials are owned by the Library?

All of the titles and contents of the 3.600 serials owned by the Library can be found in the on-line catalogue “Polo delle Ricerca”.

Is there any library material that can be consulted on-line?

To consult the full-text of thousands of e-books, e-journals and many other digitized resources (books and periodicals) of the Library, you can type the desired title in the search box . You can access on-line resources both from our Reading room and remotely via an OpenAthens account (which can be requested by filling out the registration form or by writing to

Can suggestions on acquiring texts on the part of the Library be made?

Yes, in the Reading Room there are special forms to fill in or write an e-mail with the subject "Purchase suggestion" to

A commission will evaluate the proposal and, subsequently, the proposer will be informed of the outcome of the request.


Palazzo d'Azeglio

Via Principe Amedeo 34 - 10123 Torino

Tel. +39 011835656

Opening hours


from Monday to Friday 12 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Book and serial checkout from storage facilities (upon request)

12 a.m.- 4.45 p.m.

Historical archive

from Monday to Friday 9 a.m - 5 p.m.

by appointment only

Administration offices

from Monday to Friday

9 a.m. - 4 p.m.


© 2025 Fondazione Luigi Einaudi NPO - VAT number and Fiscal Code 01359310016