The Linked Open Data (LOD) is public data available for free access, reuse, and distribution by anyone without copyright, patent, or other control restrictions.
The Foundation has adopted this technology to launch a comprehensive project, starting from Luigi Einaudi.
Click here to watch the video of the project.
LOD features
One of the main characteristics of LOD is the interlinking between data. In fact, these data are structured in a way that allows them to be connected to similar or related data sources. For example, if one dataset contains information about a city and another dataset contains demographic data, the city data in the first dataset can be linked to the demographic data in the second one.
LOD also contributes to the operation of the Semantic Web1: as they are made of a semantic structure, they can be intelligently interpreted by machines. Through LOD, it is possible to link and integrate data from different sources, thus enabling the discovery, access, and combination of information in new and meaningful ways.
However, to access data analyzed “intelligently” and to be able to share it, it is necessary to use specific standardized frameworks or languages. These not only enable users to advance their requests but also communicate to the machine the requirements of those seeking information.
1. The Semantic Web is an extension of the traditional “internet” that we all know. It is designed with the goal of enabling machines to understand the meaning of data and information present on the web.
The useful tool for exploring Einaudi Foundation’s datasets.
SPARQL Query Editor e RDF
To query LOD it is necessary to use the SPARQL language
Below you can see some query examples
How to write a query?
To write a correct SPARQL query, it is necessary to follow the subject-predicate-object structure.
The basic structure is:
SELECT ?soggetto ?predicato ?oggetto
WHERE { ?soggetto ?predicato ?oggetto}
How to look for Luigi Einaudi’s photograph?
According to the basic structure, if you are looking for all the photos representing Luigi Einaudi, the query would be:
select distinct * where {
?document a <>.
?document rdfs:label ?labelDocument.
?document <> 'fotografia' .
?document <> ?urlFoto}
How to search for writings about Luigi Einaudi?
According to the basic structure, if you are looking for all the writings about Luigi Einaudi, the query would be:
select distinct * where
{?opera a <>.
?opera rdfs:label ?titolo.
?opera <> 'Einaudi, Luigi'}
If you are looking for all the writings by Luigi Einaudi, the query would be:
select distinct * where
{?opera a <>.
?opera rdfs:label ?titolo.
?opera <> ?autore.
FILTER (?autore = <>)}
How do you filter search results?
According to the basic structure, if you would like to filter search results to obtain videos about Luigi Einaudi. The query would be:
select distinct * where { ?document a <>.
?document rdfs:label ?labelDocument.
?document <> 'video' .
?document <> ?urlVideo}
How do you get resources from a specific historical period?
According to the basic structure, if you would like to get resources from the period of the Presidency of the Republic, the query would be:
select distinct * where {
?document a <>.
?document rdfs:label ?labelDocument.
?document <> ?date .
FILTER (regex(str(?labelDocument),'Presidente della Repubblica','i'))}
How to search for sources that have been used in the project?
If you would like to get the list of sources used in the project, the query would be:
select distinct * where {
?institute a <>.
?institute rdfs:label ?labelInstitute.}
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