Established in 1964 with the donation of Luigi Einaudi’s collection, nowadays the Foundation represents a landmark for social sciences.
The Einaudi Foundation was created thanks to the passion for knowledge of the Einaudi family. Through their gesture they wanted to make the historical and cultural heritage contained in the library accessible. A gesture that aims to keep alive Luigi Einaudi’s values and principles of cultural freedom and thought. Since July 1970 the Foundation has been based in the historic Palazzo d’Azeglio in the centre of Turin, courtesy of Fiat, which owned it.
Over the years, the continuous growth of the library and the archive, together with the support given to young scholars through the scholarships, the promotion of publications and the organization of seminars and conferences have allowed the Foundation to fulfill its mission, making knowledge increasingly more accessible.
The bodies of the Foundation are: the Board of Directors, the Steering Committee, the Scientific Committee, the Fellows, the Panel of Auditors and the Members’ Assembly.
Nowadays the Foundation holds a leading position amongst social science research centers and plays an important role within the international cultural circuit, managing to create a multicultural and inclusive environment.
The Foundation is currently part of: Comitato nazionale per i 150 anni dalla nascita di Luigi Einaudi (Einaudi150); Associazione delle Istituzioni di Cultura Italiane (AICI); Biblioteca Elettronica di Scienze Sociali ed Economiche del Piemonte (BESS); Coordinamento delle Biblioteche Speciali e Specialistiche di Torino (CoBiS); Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche (ICCU) e al Polo Bibliografico della Ricerca (Visit the Polo).
The Luigi Einaudi Foundation NPO thanks for all the support given to its life and cultural activities: Compagnia di San Paolo, Comune di Torino, Stellantis, Fondazione CRT, MiC, Regione Piemonte and San Giacomo Charitable Foundation (Washington, DC).
Palazzo d'Azeglio
Via Principe Amedeo 34 - 10123 Torino
Tel. +39 011835656
Opening hours
from Monday to Friday 12 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Book and serial checkout from storage facilities (upon request)
12 a.m.- 4.45 p.m.
Historical archive
from Monday to Friday 9 a.m - 5 p.m.
by appointment only
Administration offices
from Monday to Friday
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
© 2025 Fondazione Luigi Einaudi NPO - VAT number and Fiscal Code 01359310016