August 19th: 100th anniversary of Vilfredo Pareto's death

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One hundred years ago, on 19 August, Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923), economist, sociologist and engineer, died.

A man of genius, Pareto is considered a classic in several disciplines: economics, sociology, political science and statistics.

In the Historical Archives of the Luigi Einaudi Foundation in Turin, letters, documents and images are preserved in three different fonds (those belonging to Luigi Einaudi and Roberto Michels, with whom he had relations, and that of Giovanni Busino, who edited the edition of his Oeuvres complètes).

A special memory is that of Manon Michels Einaudi, who frequented his house as a child, in the essay Nella casa di Vilfredo Pareto, published in «Annali della Fondazione Luigi Einaudi», vol.  33, anno 1999, pp. 451-466.


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